Hello West Geauga High School,
Welcome to the new school year; I can’t say I’ve ever been more excited about an upcoming school year as I am for this one!
It’s a privilege and honor to serve as your High School Principal. I firmly believe that the 2021-2022 school year will be a fantastic year.
Having grown up in this incredible community, I know firsthand how extraordinary the West Geauga High School is and how dedicated each and every one of you is to your respective interests and passions. I am looking forward to the start of next week and seeing you all within the building. Everything might not be as normal as we had hoped, but this year is going to be unbelievable.
I apologize for the length of this list, but included are many important dates, times, and information about the start of the school year. Ensure that you read through all of these sections as many may be applicable to you and prudent for programs and activities you might be involved in.
If you are enrolled within one of the incredible Excel Tecc programs, please make sure that you are aware of their start dates and orientation times that have been communicated to you. If you need a refresher on those dates and times, I've included the link here to all the important program details.
Included is a copy of the bell schedule.
Remember that Freshman Orientation is this upcoming Wednesday, the 18th, from 6 pm to 8 pm. Included here is the link to the flyer that is also on our school's website.
Class of 2021, please don't forget to take and submit your senior portrait for the yearbook! Students should plan on taking these pictures before the school year begins, as the deadline for submission will be Friday, September 17. You may use a professional photographer, or you might decide to hold your own photo session in your backyard! Either can work, or you may be photographed on picture day here at school on September 21. You will find the senior portrait specifications and submission information on this Google form. If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Klampe & Ms. Thrasher at year.book@westg.org.
For all students, make sure that you are looking over your schedule once they are posted to IC at the end of the week. I can't say that it will not change within the coming days, but make sure that you're reaching out to your counselors with any questions.
Ms. Roche: A - L
Mrs. Widman M - Z
Chromebooks will be distributed on the following dates and times at the high school library. It will go as followed:
Seniors will be first on Wednesday, August 18th, from 12 pm to 3 pm.
Freshmen will be next on Wednesday, August 18th, from 6 pm to 8 pm (during their orientation)
Juniors will follow on Thursday, August 19th, from 12 pm to 3 pm.
Sophomores will be last on Friday, August 20th, from 12 pm to 3 pm.
As you enter into a new school year, please ensure that you make the most of your time here at West Geauga. Play more than one season, join more than one club, try a new club/sport, and be willing to grow. Grow as a student-leader and student-athlete and grow as a scholar trying new things and learning new skills. You are fortunate to have the freedom to go out there and try out for and join clubs/sports that you are interested in, meet new people, try a new skill, and above all, enjoy the experiences.
See you all soon,
Mr. Patti
West Geauga High School
Twitter - @WolverinePrin