From the Principal
Dear West Geauga High School Families,
I hope this message finds you safe and well. The pandemic has disrupted our lives and often changed the way we carry out our daily activities. Our families and teachers have adjusted to how we educate our students, and we have all done this remarkably well. Aside from the planned days teaching students online, we have been able to keep our buildings open and the classrooms full of students. I am proud of our school board, administrators, teachers, students, and families for their role in making the first half of our school year a successful one despite the Coronavirus. Thank you!
As we move to the middle of the third quarter, some important dates are noted in this bulletin. Our school is administering the ACT to all Juniors on February 23, 2021, at 7:25 A.M. Only juniors will report to school on this day as all our building’s teachers are needed for the test administration. The February 23rd ACT is a college entrance exam issued by the State of Ohio. The exam is used by colleges and universities when deciding to accept students into their programs. Also, the exam is often used to determine scholarships. The ACT is an important exam, and our teachers have worked with students to prepare them for the requirements of this high stakes assessment. We wish all our juniors the best on February 23rd. Additional resources and information regarding the upcoming test day are posted below under the school counseling section.
Also included in this bulletin are the dates of this year’s End-of-Course State Exams. As we near the April 15, 2021 start date for these exams, I will email all of our students and families a modified bell schedule for the testing days. Students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses will take their AP Exams beginning May 7, 2021. The AP exams will occur without disruption to our bell schedule.
Finally, we recognize that the Class of 2021 is not having a typical senior year. Many of the celebrations and activities seniors get to experience have not been able to occur. As we plan for graduation and determine if prom will occur, I am working with the senior class officers and their advisors to plan fun and safe events for the WG Class of 2021.
Have a great 2021! As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Jay Bishop
From the Assistant Principal
Dear West Geauga Community,I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the winter!
Thank you! - We appreciate all students, parents, and guardians that have followed our COVID policies throughout the year. Your diligence and support have a large impact in allowing WGHS to provide the option for an in-person educational experience.
Third-quarter - Historically, and for a wide range of reasons, the third quarter is very challenging for many students. Please be active in your child’s education and encourage them to reach out to their teachers if they need support. The 3rd quarter ends Friday, March 19th.
Attendance - If your child is going to be absent from school, whether in-person or online, a parent/guardian must call the attendance hotline at 440-729-5951. Students who do not attend school face the consequence of appearing before the Geauga County Truancy Officer. This also applies to online learners who do not attend their classes via zoom.
Social Media - It seems as though there are new social media platforms that are being developed daily. Please make sure that you have access to your child’s online profile and review it on a regular basis.
I hope everyone has a great day!
Shawn Krippel
West Geauga School Counseling News February
The Counselors would like to give students three simple suggestions to help make their life experience the best it can be while attending West Geauga High School:
1.Invest time into your academic studies; there will be a return on your investment!
2.Find ways to create balance in your life; find time to do an activity that you enjoy!
3.When you are faced with a problem, try to find a solution. If you struggle with the problem, find someone to help you develop a solution.
The COVID19 pandemic is impacting everyone. If you need to talk to someone please reach out to your school counselor, teacher, parent, or friend.
Other resources include:
Geauga County COPEline: 440-285-5665 or 1-888-285-5665
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
Crisis Text Line: Text - 4hope to 741741
Stay Safe. Speak Up! (Student Bullying Report): 1-866-listen2me or
The Naviance website has valuable information regarding college planning, scholarships, and careers. You can visit the website at and click on high school, then School Counseling/Guidance. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the counseling office.
College Credit Plus (CCP):
The CCP Information Meeting was January 20th. Please go this website for more information: A very important document called the “CCP Intent Form” MUST be returned by May 1st. If this deadline is not met your student will not be eligible to participate in this program.
Virtual College Fair:
All students are invited to OACAC sponsored virtual fairs in February and March. Visit this website for more information and registration:
The Kickstart College Fair is canceled this year. Hopefully, our school will be able to host an in-person fair in the future!
If you are not sure about your post-graduation plans please stop by our office for assistance. We have resources in the counseling office where you can get information on colleges, apprenticeships, and the military. The door is always open. Please remember to check your college deadlines, follow the application submission procedures, and check the Class of 2021 School Counseling Google Classroom for updates!
Do not forget that schools will require a final transcript at the end of your senior year. Do your best throughout your whole senior year to earn the best grades possible. The finish line is close!
Continue to make good all have bright futures ahead of you!
Mid-Year Reports:
Some of you applied to schools that require a mid-year report. If you are unsure what your colleges require, you need to go online and check. Please communicate directly with your counselor if you need a mid-year report as soon as possible.
Information on scholarships our office receives can be found in two places. There are hard copy materials in the scholarship rack in the counseling office. Also, please check Naviance. Scholarship information can be found in the Colleges section of your account. Make sure you take advantage of any opportunity to find dollars to help fund your education.
Financial Aid:
Mrs. Tessa Dicker, our LEAF Financial Aid Advisor, works in WGHS one day per week throughout the year. She is in our school on Thursdays. Students and parents may request an appointment with Mrs. Dicker by contacting her at All of the financial aid services provided by LEAF are at no charge to our families.
It is time for us to start working with you on your post-graduate planning and college selection process. Please plan for the following activities listed below:
Junior Class Information and Planning:
Check for updates on the Class of 2022 School Counseling Google Classroom
College Visits:
If you have the opportunity, try to get on the campuses of the schools you have an interest in. Due to the COVID19 pandemic, many schools are offering opportunities to connect with admissions virtually. Make sure it is an official visit by registering online or calling the admissions office. Showing interest in a school is important!
As part of the State of Ohio graduation requirements, all current juniors will participate in the administration of the ACT on Tuesday, February 23, 2021. Testing will begin at 7:30 am and last approximately 4 hours. Test sections will include English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. Students will not complete a writing section.
Students will have the opportunity to select four colleges/universities to receive their ACT scores (free of charge) when they create their MyACT account. Students will receive instructions to create this account on their own time prior to February 23. Students are required to bring a photo id, pencils, and calculator on test day. Students are not permitted to possess or access a cell phone at any time during the test administration or during the break. Additional details will be shared closer to the test date.
Students can prepare for the ACT by visiting the following website: The ACT Academy can be very helpful as you prepare for this test!
If Juniors wish to take the ACT a second time or take the SAT the registration process is online. It is a good practice to have students take both exams, and then repeat at least one in order to improve their scores. Students must register for these tests online.
Please see your school counselor for additional information.
It is time to explore what you really want to do next year. There are many opportunities to consider, like the various levels of West G courses you choose to take that include Advanced Placement, College Credit Plus (CCP), and Excel TECC. Please see below for more information about Excel TECC.
Excel TECC:
February 26 – Students need to accept or decline their offers to be in Excel TECC programs.
Students should have received an email from CollegeBoard with instructions to retrieve PSAT scores for the test that was administered in October. If you have not created a CollegeBoard account prior to this test you are encouraged to start one and have it connected to Khan Academy. See your school counselor if you need assistance.
If you are struggling in any of your classes, don’t give up and think that there is no hope. Ask for help! It is a sign of strength, not weakness. The counselors suggest speaking directly with your teacher if you are having difficulty. Be prepared to ask specific questions. See your counselor for assistance. Our doors are always open!
David Callahan: Students with last names A-K 729-5963
Don't miss out on the opportunity to order your copy of the 2021 edition of Up in the Air. You can pre-order your yearbook online at, through the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus or by sending a check made to West Geauga Board of Education for $65.00 with this order form.
From the Attendance Office:
Thank you all for doing a great job reporting student absences. This has been a challenging year and your diligence in this matter is appreciated. Below are some important reminders as we finish up the second half of the year.Please keep in mind, if your in-person student is absent from school and chooses to Zoom into classes, provided the teacher has an online link, they may do so, but they are still considered to be absent and they must be called in to be excused. Students are not permitted to go back and forth between online and in-person learning environments.
General Attendance Reminders for all learners
● Any time a student is absent from school the school must be notified. Please call the absence line at 440-729-5951 to report all absences.
● If your child is going to be absent for an extended period of time due to vacation, you will need to have a Vacation Request form filled out and turned in to the attendance office with all appropriate signatures 5 days before the absences occur. These forms can be found in the attendance office or by clicking here.
● Notes for early dismissal should be turned in to the attendance office the day before your child needs to leave early whenever possible. Last-minute phone calls, other than true emergencies, cannot always be delivered immediately and create unnecessary disruption to valuable instruction time in the classroom.
● Tardy arrivals to school are considered unexcused even if a parent calls in for the student. If your student is driving to school this year, please remind them of this policy.
General Attendance procedures for all online learners
● If a virtual student will miss any or all classes during a particular day, a call needs to be made to the Attendance line at 440-729-5951 for the absence to be excused.
● Any student who is placed in the online learner status that is marked absent for two or more classes in a day, a phone call and email will go out to the parent/guardian. A return call from the parent or guardian is required for these types of absences to be excused. Please check your student’s attendance through the Infinite Campus parent portal to work on clearing any previous absences up.
● In cases of technical difficulty, (i.e. internet provider outages, inability to join Zoom sessions etc.) The student should email their teacher directly to report the issue. The teacher will then notify the attendance office.
Quarantined student attendance procedures for Parent/Guardians
● Students who are placed in a temporary quarantine and have been approved to attend classes virtually for the duration of the quarantine will need to Zoom in to classes using the zoom codes provided by their teachers at the beginning of the year. Many times these links can also be found on the teacher’s Google Classroom page.
As the weather begins to warm and we all look forward to Spring and Summer it’s important that school policies regarding leaving early are followed. Students are not permitted to leave the building without parental permission. This includes students who are 18 years old. If you have any questions regarding attendance please give me a call at 440-729-5958.
Thank you,
Theresa Poelking
West Geauga Kiwanis and Rotary Students of the Month
West Geauga Educational Foundation – Grant Money Available
Do you have an innovative or new teaching idea for a school program, initiative, tool or learning aid? The West Geauga Educational Foundation (WGEF) is a non-profit group that provides funds to help introduce new and innovative learning methods to students at West Geauga schools. Over the past 30 years, the foundation has provided more than $500,000 in funds to support educational programs. Each year the foundation receives grant requests from teachers, administrators, students, and parents.Some programs the foundation has funded over the past two years include: Live streaming equipment for WGMS Athletics, Google Virtual Field Trips for Westwood & Lindsey Elementary Schools; 21st Century Classroom for Lindsey; Aquaponics Global Food Production for West Geauga High School; iPad Pros for the Middle School and IXL Online Learning Tool for all West Geauga Schools.
Anyone in West Geauga School District can apply for a grant—this includes teachers, administrators, students and parents. The West Geauga Educational Foundation has $20,000 available for grant funding for the remainder of this 2020-2021 school year. If you’re interested in applying for a grant for your innovative or new teaching idea, complete and submit our application which can be found at by February 12, 2021. Contact Caise McHale at 216-789-4842 or with any questions.
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