From the Principal
Dear High School Families;
It is hard to believe that it is almost Thanksgiving break. First quarter report cards have been posted to the Infinite Campus Parent and Student portals, and we are well into the second quarter.
Since the beginning of the year, students have had the opportunity to use advisory period to get help with coursework, attend a club and/or activity meeting or take an Advanced Placement science course. One goal of the advisory period is for students to seek academic help or to enrich the learning experience. Classroom teachers are available to students either during 5A or 5B advisory periods. Students should communicate their need or desire to meet with their teacher during advisory and obtain a pass. Commonly, teachers will reach out to the students needing additional support and use advisory period to assist their students. Advisory and lunch periods are very flexible and allow students to switch lunch periods in order to find a mutual time that works for both the teacher and student.
Academics are not the only thing colleges, universities, and future employers look for when evaluating a potential student. School involvement and community activities are very important, also. Advisory period provides opportunities for students to explore and participate in various clubs and activities. Our high school calendar, located on the school’s website, displays the dates and times that our clubs and activities meet. Some clubs and activities include Student Council, Rotary Interact, Key Club, National Honor Society, Art Club, Spanish Lab, West G TV, and Science Fair Preparation.
It is my intention for advisory to contribute to the positive school environment and allow experiences for student growth and academic success. Please encourage your student to take advantage of some of the many opportunities advisory period offers throughout the school year.
Have a wonderful holiday season.
Jay C. Bishop
(440) 729-5955
From the Assistant Principal
Dear West Geauga Community,
1st quarter is in the books! Here are a couple reminders as we continue throughout the school year.
- We appreciate those of you that have had tough conversations regarding social media. As previously stated, there are many wonderful uses for these types of social platforms, unfortunately, there is also a very dark side to them.
- Success in the classroom starts with showing up. Students need to be in 1st period by 7:25 am.
- Please remember, if your child is going to be out of school for the day to call our Attendance Office (729-5951). Students who do not clear up an absence within three days of returning to school will be considered truant and issued a Saturday School.
- VAPES…talk to your son/daughter about the health concerns regarding vapes, JUUL’s, etc. We are reading more and more how these devices are being linked to health issues.
- With the weather getting colder, make sure your child is dressing appropriately.
- If you have not done so, please review the student handbook. It’s a great resource that can answer many questions.
Enjoy the day!
Shawn Krippel
Midterm exams will be here before we know it! Please take a moment to review the midterm exam schedule. This schedule allows time for students who may be absent during the week to make up a test prior to the long vacation.
The links to the midterm exam schedule and midterm week attendance procedures are below.
Students should get a good night’s rest and eat a good breakfast prior to arriving for the exams. These are important exams that make up 10% of the overall course grade.
Midterm schedule and exam information
Midterm week attendance procedures and permission form
WGHS School Counseling News November/December 2019
It has been a busy fall in the school counseling department. We have met with our Seniors and
their parents to begin the college application process. The web program Naviance is the most
important resource for counselors and students. This program is allowing the school counselors to
begin college exploratory activities with the underclassmen, as well as making communication
between home and our department considerably easier. It allows us to submit nearly all of our
students' college applications electronically. If your student has a smartphone, their Naviance
account can be connected using a web browser. We highly encourage our students to use this
resource throughout their high school career! Our career specialist, Mrs. Ann Marn, has also
offered her talents in helping our students focus on writing a high school resume, begin career
interest inventories and search for colleges.
Dates to Remember:
The PSAT was administered to the sophomore class and some freshmen and juniors.
The results should be available in mid-December.
Excel TECC Opportunity Day: December 5; Sophomores are invited to attend as a field trip.
Forms to attend this event will be emailed to students.
Excel TECC Opportunity Night: December 5, 7 pm at Mayfield High School; Parents of
prospective sophomores are encouraged to attend.
College Credit Plus (CCP) Information Night: January 22, 7 pm in Room 124. Students
and parents need to attend this meeting if there is interest in the program.
Students: we have an "open door" policy. If you need to speak to your counselor, just drop in.
If we are unavailable, write your name on the sign-in sheet outside of the counselor’s door
and we will find you as soon as possible!
Please remember that this is the time of year to work on college applications! Please
remember to check your college deadlines and follow the application submission procedures
(Senior Parent Night - Class of 2020 PowerPoint can be found on the Guidance website.)
Remember: Please give your counselors and teachers at least two weeks to get supporting
documents/letters completed. Know your deadlines! See your counselor if you have any
Test Scores: Remember your ACT or SAT test scores must also meet the college deadline.
Please make sure you have requested scores be sent directly from ACT or College Board to
the institutions you are applying to.
Scholarships: Start looking in Naviance for scholarships. There is also a scholarship rack in
the Counseling Office. Make a habit of visiting our office and check if anything new has
come in and check your Naviance account. Please give counselors two weeks notice for
deadlines on scholarships, too.
Financial Aid: The FAFSA is open for next year. A representative from the Lake/Geauga
Educational Assistance Foundation (LEAF) is available to discuss financial aid options,
scholarships, and the FAFSA form. Mrs. Tessa Dicker, our LEAF Financial Aid Advisor, works
in our high school each Thursday throughout the school year. Students and parents may
request an appointment with Mrs. Dicker by contacting her at 729-5922, extension 4164, or
email her at There is also a sign up sheet in the Counselor’s Office. All
of the LEAF services are at no charge to our families.
Reminder - this is your last year to work on maintaining or bringing up your GPA. Remember
that when colleges receive your transcript next fall, your cumulative grade point average is
only based on your high school classes completed in the middle school, 9th, 10th and 11th
grade. If you are having difficulty in a class, your school counselor is always here to
help. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Also, start thinking about what you
want to do after high school. A good resource to begin with is Naviance. See your counselor
if you forgot your login. Start planning college visits and registering online for the ACT and/or
The ACT will be administered for free to all juniors on February 25, 2020.
When is the last time you logged on to your Naviance account? You have been given a task
to complete, the “Strengths Explorer”. Please find the time to complete this before winter
Opportunity Day for all Excel TECC is Thursday, December 5. Students are able to visit
programs during the field trip that school day and parents are invited to Mayfield High School
that evening from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
You got your report card. How are you doing? What can you change to achieve even more
success? If you need some help, see your counselor.
As soon as you get your PSAT results, remember to connect your scores with Khan Academy
where you will get a personalized plan to improve. Stop by our office for help if you need any
Well, you are finished with your first quarter at West Geauga High School! Was your first
report card a good one? If so, keep up the good work. If not, do not forget to take advantage
of the tutoring available during Advisory Period or arrange for help before or after school with
your teacher. See your counselor for help, too. Remember: Asking for help is a sign of strength
not weakness! Also, be open to the information covered in the Freshman Mentoring with topics
offering help with the transition to high school.
David Callahan Students with last names A-K 729-5963
remember to check your college deadlines and follow the application submission procedures
(Senior Parent Night - Class of 2020 PowerPoint can be found on the Guidance website.)
Remember: Please give your counselors and teachers at least two weeks to get supporting
documents/letters completed. Know your deadlines! See your counselor if you have any
Test Scores: Remember your ACT or SAT test scores must also meet the college deadline.
Please make sure you have requested scores be sent directly from ACT or College Board to
the institutions you are applying to.
Scholarships: Start looking in Naviance for scholarships. There is also a scholarship rack in
the Counseling Office. Make a habit of visiting our office and check if anything new has
come in and check your Naviance account. Please give counselors two weeks notice for
deadlines on scholarships, too.
Financial Aid: The FAFSA is open for next year. A representative from the Lake/Geauga
Educational Assistance Foundation (LEAF) is available to discuss financial aid options,
scholarships, and the FAFSA form. Mrs. Tessa Dicker, our LEAF Financial Aid Advisor, works
in our high school each Thursday throughout the school year. Students and parents may
request an appointment with Mrs. Dicker by contacting her at 729-5922, extension 4164, or
email her at There is also a sign up sheet in the Counselor’s Office. All
of the LEAF services are at no charge to our families.
Reminder - this is your last year to work on maintaining or bringing up your GPA. Remember
that when colleges receive your transcript next fall, your cumulative grade point average is
only based on your high school classes completed in the middle school, 9th, 10th and 11th
grade. If you are having difficulty in a class, your school counselor is always here to
help. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Also, start thinking about what you
want to do after high school. A good resource to begin with is Naviance. See your counselor
if you forgot your login. Start planning college visits and registering online for the ACT and/or
The ACT will be administered for free to all juniors on February 25, 2020.
When is the last time you logged on to your Naviance account? You have been given a task
to complete, the “Strengths Explorer”. Please find the time to complete this before winter
Opportunity Day for all Excel TECC is Thursday, December 5. Students are able to visit
programs during the field trip that school day and parents are invited to Mayfield High School
that evening from 7:00 - 8:30 pm.
You got your report card. How are you doing? What can you change to achieve even more
success? If you need some help, see your counselor.
As soon as you get your PSAT results, remember to connect your scores with Khan Academy
where you will get a personalized plan to improve. Stop by our office for help if you need any
Well, you are finished with your first quarter at West Geauga High School! Was your first
report card a good one? If so, keep up the good work. If not, do not forget to take advantage
of the tutoring available during Advisory Period or arrange for help before or after school with
your teacher. See your counselor for help, too. Remember: Asking for help is a sign of strength
not weakness! Also, be open to the information covered in the Freshman Mentoring with topics
offering help with the transition to high school.
David Callahan Students with last names A-K 729-5963
Sarah Widman Students with last names L-Z 729-5965
Lisa Porter Assistant 729-5962
Here is the important date flyer for all seniors. Please click here.
This year is off to a fantastic start. Now that the first quarter is behind us and the holiday season is approaching, here are a few reminders from the attendance office.
Aliana Alert is in full effect this year. Please remember to call the absence line at 440-729-5958 before 7:25 each day that your child will be missing school. Makeup work can be obtained by contacting your student’s teachers directly.
House Bill 410 is still in effect. It is important to have a doctor’s notes on file for your student any time they will miss school for medical reasons.
Vacation Season is upon us! As a reminder, if your child is going to be absent for an extended period of time due to vacation, you will need to have a Vacation Request form filled out and turned in to the attendance office with all appropriate signatures 5 days before the absences occur. These forms can be found in the attendance office or online under the forms link. Also, keep in mind absences due to vacation are unexcused.
Notes for early dismissal should be turned in to the attendance office the day before your child needs to leave early whenever possible. Last minute phone calls, other than true emergencies cannot always be delivered immediately and create unnecessary disruption to valuable instruction time in the classroom.
Tardy arrivals to school are considered unexcused even if a parent calls in for the student. If your student is driving to school this year, please remind them of this policy as we head in to the winter season. Encourage them to plan ahead and prepare for snow on cars and unfavorable road conditions.
Thank you and have a great second quarter!
Early-bird special $$$
Order your student's yearbook now and save. The price will increase as of 01/01/20. Order online at or by printing the order form found under the yearbook tab.
Parents of seniors:
We are still accepting grad ads for your soon-to-be-graduates. This is a great way to praise their efforts and share your pride.
All printable forms are located at the top of the newsletter under the Yearbook Information tab.
Any questions? Contact us at
The West Geauga Educational Foundation (WGEF) is a non-profit group that provides funds to help introduce new and innovative learning methods to students at West Geauga schools. Over the past 30 years, the foundation has provided more than $500,000 in funds to support educational programs. Twice during the school year (November and February), WGEF reviews applications from teachers, administrators, students and parents, to determine which programs to fund that will enrich and enhance educational experiences for West Geauga students.
Some programs the foundation has funded over the past two years include: Google Virtual Field Trips for Westwood & Lindsey Elementary Schools; 21st Century Classroom for Lindsey; Aquaponics Global Food Production for West Geauga High School; iPad Pros for the Middle School and IXL Online Learning Tool for all West Geauga Schools.
Anyone in West Geauga School District can apply for a grant. The West Geauga Educational Foundation has $20,000 available for grant funding this 2019-2020 school year. If you’re interested in applying for a grant for your innovative or new teaching idea, complete and submit our application which can be found at by November 15, 2019. Contact Caise McHale at 216-789-4842 or with any questions.
Our annual Thanksgiving Day Pancake Breakfast helps us raise the funds needed to support these new and innovative programs. Mark your calendar for breakfast at the Chesterland McDonalds, where once again the West Geauga Educational Foundation is serving breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. What’s on the menu: A breakfast of pancakes, sausage with juice, milk, coffee or tea for just $6.00. You can eat in the restaurant or take your meals home! Hope to see you there.
Congratulations National Merit Semifinalist and
The West Geauga Educational Foundation (WGEF) is a non-profit group that provides funds to help introduce new and innovative learning methods to students at West Geauga schools. Over the past 30 years, the foundation has provided more than $500,000 in funds to support educational programs. Twice during the school year (November and February), WGEF reviews applications from teachers, administrators, students and parents, to determine which programs to fund that will enrich and enhance educational experiences for West Geauga students.
Some programs the foundation has funded over the past two years include: Google Virtual Field Trips for Westwood & Lindsey Elementary Schools; 21st Century Classroom for Lindsey; Aquaponics Global Food Production for West Geauga High School; iPad Pros for the Middle School and IXL Online Learning Tool for all West Geauga Schools.
Anyone in West Geauga School District can apply for a grant. The West Geauga Educational Foundation has $20,000 available for grant funding this 2019-2020 school year. If you’re interested in applying for a grant for your innovative or new teaching idea, complete and submit our application which can be found at by November 15, 2019. Contact Caise McHale at 216-789-4842 or with any questions.
Our annual Thanksgiving Day Pancake Breakfast helps us raise the funds needed to support these new and innovative programs. Mark your calendar for breakfast at the Chesterland McDonalds, where once again the West Geauga Educational Foundation is serving breakfast from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. What’s on the menu: A breakfast of pancakes, sausage with juice, milk, coffee or tea for just $6.00. You can eat in the restaurant or take your meals home! Hope to see you there.
Ski Club for West G Students
JOIN us at Alpine Valley!
West G Sessions- Saturdays from 5 p.m.-9 p.m.
What: Alpine Valley offers a season-long Club Program for skiers, snowboarders and snowbladers ages 8* to 18. The Club Program includes 4 hours of slope time per session, equipment rental (if needed) and up to five lessons. For the first five visits, club members arrive and check in for lessons with their club advisor, Mrs. Natalie Mikes. Afterward, club members are welcome to continue visiting on their designated day and time (at no additional charge), if you wear your club card. *Must be 8 years old by January 1, 2020.
When: Club begins January 4, 2020
Price: $203.05 (no price difference for equipment renters or owners) Season Passholders may join the club to receive the five lessons at no additional cost.
How: Easy online registration begins Oct. 1- go to h, find the “Groups and Clubs” tab, go to Club Program, Club Login is westg, password is wish4snow
Sign up by November 22 to receive Club Cards by Winter Break so Value Passes can be used over the holidays. Members who register after this date will receive Value Passes in January.
Questions?: First go to to read all details of the program. If you still have questions, contact Natalie Mikes at
Class Act
Class Act is performing the National Anthem at the Cleveland Monsters again this year on February 11! It is West Geauga Night at the Q! We are selling tickets specially priced at $10. I know it would mean a lot to the students to see their parents supporting them! Click here for the forms.
September - Hannah Barker
October - Alec Wright
November - Joey Tirabassi
September - Kevin Wenger
October - Sabreena Ighneim
November - Allison George
Hillcrest Insurance Student-Athletes of the Month
September 2019
Senior, Joey Tirabassi - Boys Cross Country
Joey is a Senior member of the Boys Cross Country Team. The team has had an impressive season so far winning the Hawken and George Gross invitationals, as well as finishing second in the Cardinal Invitational. Joey is also a member of the National Honor Society, student council, and works on our in-house West G TV broadcast. Joey plans to study Civil Engineering in College.
Senior, Emily Allegretti- Girls Soccer
Emily is a Senior team captain on the Girls Soccer team. Emily has helped to lead the team to a 12-1 record as well as the first Chagrin Valley Conference title since 2010, She also plays in the marching band and is a Freshman mentor. Emily is a involved in community service with St. Anselm PSR and Vacation Bible school as well as participating in Interact Club. Emily plans to study Biomedical Engineering at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the fall.
Congratulations National Merit Semifinalist and
Commended Students
Emily Allegretti – National Merit Commended Student
Principal Jay Bishop of West Geauga High School announced on September 25th, 2019 that senior Emily Allegretti has been named a Commended Student in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, was presented by the principal to Emily at an all school assembly. Commended Students placed among the top 50,000 scores of more than 1.6 million students who entered the 2019 competition by taking the 2018 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.
Steven Hensley – National Merit Semifinalist
Principal Jay Bishop of West Geauga High School, announced on September 25th, 2019 that Steven Hensley has been named a Semifinalist in the 2019 National Merit Scholarship Program. From the 1.6 million students that took the 2018 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, Steven is one of approximately 16,000 high school seniors who are Semifinalists. Steven is ranked in the top one percent of all test takers in the United States.
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