Dear West Geauga Families:
Happy New Year to all of you! I hope you enjoyed time with friends and family over the break.
This past fall, West Geauga High School was proud to introduce a speaker series to all of the students during the scheduled advisory periods. The purpose of the speaker series is to bring relevant and interesting topics to our student body. It is our hope that information presented to our students can be applied to better students' private and academic lives. In addition, leadership opportunities have been and will continue to be available to our students through this program. Students will have the opportunity to participate on a speaker selection committee. They are also invited to participate through presentations of their own.
During the scheduled advisory periods, students meet as a grade level in our large lecture hall. Tuesday presentations are made to freshmen during advisory A and sophomores during advisory B. Thursday speakers present to seniors and juniors during advisory A and advisory B, respectively. Presentations are tailored to the appropriate grade level and the same presentation may not necessarily be made to the entire student body.
The series began on November 7, 2017 and ran through November 30th. First semester speakers included presentations on philanthropy, organ donation, study skills, sexual assault, dating violence and drug and alcohol awareness. Some of the second semester speaker presentations include topics on interview skills, soft skill development, preparing for life after high school and summer internship opportunities.
West Geauga High School is always looking for guest speakers to present interesting and relevant topics to our students. If you have an idea or know a speaker who will capture students’ interests, please feel free to let me know.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Best wishes for a wonderful 2018.
Jay C. Bishop
(440) 729-5955
@WestGHigh on Twitter
Happy New Year and welcome back!
Vaping is increasing around the country, and we are seeing this at our school as well. Vaping is the act of using an electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) to inhale a substance through a personal vaporizer. The vaporizer, most often called a vape or a Juul, is a device that looks very much like a USB flash-drive, a laser pointer, and/or a fancy pen. These items often fit in your hand, and hold an electronic charge like a battery to make it portable.
While an e-cigarette may not contain tobacco, the inserts (juice) used in this device can contain nicotine, other chemicals, and/or other types of drug-related oils and substances. Vaping releases small amounts of water vapor that are hard to detect and do not linger. The design of the vaporizer makes it harder for adults to readily recognize what is being held.
While an e-cigarette may not contain tobacco, the inserts (juice) used in this device can contain nicotine, other chemicals, and/or other types of drug-related oils and substances. Vaping releases small amounts of water vapor that are hard to detect and do not linger. The design of the vaporizer makes it harder for adults to readily recognize what is being held.
- Items that appear to fit the description above (flash-drive, laser pointer, etc.).
- While some are odorless, many inserts have added flavors and scents to enhance the experience and can smell like a fruity or spicy body spray or lotion.
- Increased intake of fluids, especially water (additives in the vapor can cause dry-mouth).
- Decrease in desire for caffeinated beverages (additives in vapor can cause a sensitivity or avoidance of caffeine).
- Nosebleeds (vapor can dry out the nasal passages)
Please see the links below for more information about vaping and it’s harmful effects:
December - Caleb Ramey
January - Eva Mulloy
December - Samantha Heim
January - Maxwell Dayringer
West Geauga School Counseling News January/February
The counselors would like to give students three simple suggestions to help make West Geauga High School a better environment to learn in and to allow each individual to capture his/her own success:
- Be nice to everyone, always.
- The next task that you are charged with doing, do it the best that you can.
- Never quit!
The Naviance/Family Connection website has valuable information regarding college planning, scholarships, and careers. You can visit the website at and click on high school, then guidance. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the counseling office.
David Callahan: Students with last names A-G 729-5963
Kimberly Zannetti: Students with last names H-O 729-5964
Sarah Widman: Students with last names P-Z 729-5965
Michelle Sargent: Secretary 729-5962
College Credit Plus (CCP)—
The CCP Information Meeting was January 10th. At the meeting, a presentation about CCP’s procedures and application guidelines were presented. If you missed the meeting, please contact your school counselor for information. A very important document called a “CCP Intent Form” MUST be returned by April 1st. If this deadline is not met your son/daughter is not eligible to participate in this program.
SAVE THE DATE--Kickstart College Fair
All students are invited to the Kickstart College Fair. The Fair will take place at YOUR school on Monday, April 9, 2018. At 6:00 pm the guest speaker will be Jimmy Malone, WMJI Radio Personality. The fair will be from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. This fair will be a great opportunity to explore schools and meet admissions counselors. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending!
The Naviance/Family Connection website has valuable information regarding college planning, scholarships, and careers. You can visit the website at and click on high school, then guidance. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the counseling office.
David Callahan: Students with last names A-G 729-5963
Kimberly Zannetti: Students with last names H-O 729-5964
Sarah Widman: Students with last names P-Z 729-5965
Michelle Sargent: Secretary 729-5962
College Credit Plus (CCP)—
The CCP Information Meeting was January 10th. At the meeting, a presentation about CCP’s procedures and application guidelines were presented. If you missed the meeting, please contact your school counselor for information. A very important document called a “CCP Intent Form” MUST be returned by April 1st. If this deadline is not met your son/daughter is not eligible to participate in this program.
SAVE THE DATE--Kickstart College Fair
All students are invited to the Kickstart College Fair. The Fair will take place at YOUR school on Monday, April 9, 2018. At 6:00 pm the guest speaker will be Jimmy Malone, WMJI Radio Personality. The fair will be from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. This fair will be a great opportunity to explore schools and meet admissions counselors. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending!
There are just a few of you with whom we have not met to discuss your post-graduation plans. If you need assistance, stop by the counseling office where you can get information on colleges and apprenticeships. Check the scholarship rack for opportunities, too! The door is always open. Please remember to check your college deadlines, follow the application submission procedures, and check Family Connection for updates!
Do not forget that schools will require a final transcript at the end of your senior year. Do your best throughout your whole senior year to earn the best grades possible. The finish line is close!
Continue to make good all have a bright future ahead of you!
Mid-Year Reports:
Some of you applied to schools that require a mid-year report. If you are unsure what your colleges require, you need to go online to check. For Common Application schools, your mid-year reports will be submitted online through Family Connection. If, however, any of the colleges to which you applied are NOT Common Application schools, you need to communicate to your counselor that a mid-year report is required as soon as possible.
Information on scholarships that our office receives can be found in two places. There are hard copy materials in the scholarship rack in the counseling office. Also, please check Family Connection/Naviance. Scholarship information can be found in the Colleges tab of your account. Make sure you take advantage of any opportunity to find dollars to help fund your education.
Financial Aid:
Mrs. Sandy Hanley, our LEAF Financial Aid Advisor, works in WGHS each Wednesday throughout the school year. Students and parents may request an appointment with Mrs. Hanley by contacting her at 729-5922, extension 4164, or by emailing her at All of the financial aid services provided by LEAF are at no charge to our families.
It is time for us to start working with you on your post-graduate planning and college selection process. Please plan to attend the following activities listed below:
Junior Student Meetings- During Government classes on Thursday, February 15th
As part of the State of Ohio graduation requirements, all current juniors will participate in an administration of the ACT on Tuesday, February 27, 2018. Testing will begin at 7:30 am and last approximately 4 hours. Test sections will include English, mathematics, reading and science. Students will not complete a writing section.
During the pre-administration session, students will have the opportunity to select four colleges/universities to receive their ACT scores (free of charge). Students are required to bring a photo i.d., pencils and calculator. Students are not permitted to possess or access a cell phone at any time during test administration or during the break. Additional details will be shared closer to test date.
Students can prepare for the ACT by visiting the following website:
Please see your school counselor for additional information.
If Juniors wish to take the ACT a second time or take the SAT, the registration process is online. It is a good practice to have students take both exams, and then repeat at least one in order to improve their scores. Students who are planning to apply to selective colleges that require SAT subject tests should make sure they register for tests by the end of the school year. Students must register for these tests online.
There are just a few of you with whom we have not met to discuss your post-graduation plans. If you need assistance, stop by the counseling office where you can get information on colleges and apprenticeships. Check the scholarship rack for opportunities, too! The door is always open. Please remember to check your college deadlines, follow the application submission procedures, and check Family Connection for updates!
Do not forget that schools will require a final transcript at the end of your senior year. Do your best throughout your whole senior year to earn the best grades possible. The finish line is close!
Continue to make good all have a bright future ahead of you!
Mid-Year Reports:
Some of you applied to schools that require a mid-year report. If you are unsure what your colleges require, you need to go online to check. For Common Application schools, your mid-year reports will be submitted online through Family Connection. If, however, any of the colleges to which you applied are NOT Common Application schools, you need to communicate to your counselor that a mid-year report is required as soon as possible.
Information on scholarships that our office receives can be found in two places. There are hard copy materials in the scholarship rack in the counseling office. Also, please check Family Connection/Naviance. Scholarship information can be found in the Colleges tab of your account. Make sure you take advantage of any opportunity to find dollars to help fund your education.
Financial Aid:
Mrs. Sandy Hanley, our LEAF Financial Aid Advisor, works in WGHS each Wednesday throughout the school year. Students and parents may request an appointment with Mrs. Hanley by contacting her at 729-5922, extension 4164, or by emailing her at All of the financial aid services provided by LEAF are at no charge to our families.
It is time for us to start working with you on your post-graduate planning and college selection process. Please plan to attend the following activities listed below:
Junior Student Meetings- During Government classes on Thursday, February 15th
As part of the State of Ohio graduation requirements, all current juniors will participate in an administration of the ACT on Tuesday, February 27, 2018. Testing will begin at 7:30 am and last approximately 4 hours. Test sections will include English, mathematics, reading and science. Students will not complete a writing section.
During the pre-administration session, students will have the opportunity to select four colleges/universities to receive their ACT scores (free of charge). Students are required to bring a photo i.d., pencils and calculator. Students are not permitted to possess or access a cell phone at any time during test administration or during the break. Additional details will be shared closer to test date.
Students can prepare for the ACT by visiting the following website:
Please see your school counselor for additional information.
If Juniors wish to take the ACT a second time or take the SAT, the registration process is online. It is a good practice to have students take both exams, and then repeat at least one in order to improve their scores. Students who are planning to apply to selective colleges that require SAT subject tests should make sure they register for tests by the end of the school year. Students must register for these tests online.
ACT Registration
SAT Registration
It is time to really explore what you want to do next year. There are many opportunities to consider, like the various levels of West G courses you choose to take that include Advanced Placement, College Credit Plus (CCP) and Excel TECC. We will be meeting with you about course scheduling during your Advisory period or Study Hall. Please see below for more information about Excel TECC.
Excel TECC:
February 1 – Students accepted to Excel TECC programs are notified via USPS.
February 22 – Students need to accept or decline their offers to be in Excel TECC programs.
Students should have received an email from CollegeBoard with instruction to retrieve PSAT scores for the test that was administered in October. If you have not created a CollegeBoard account prior to this test, you are encouraged to start one and have it connected to Khan Academy. See you school counselor if you need assistance.
If you are struggling in any of your classes, don’t give up and think that there is no hope. Ask for help! It is a sign of strength not weakness. The counselors suggest speaking directly with your teacher if you are having difficulty. Be prepared to ask specific questions. See your counselor for assistance. Our doors are always open! During your Advisory Periods in February, we will be meeting with you to discuss your scheduling options for next year.
Opening Day paperwork did not come home this year due to the implementation of OneView. An informational letter with instructions was sent home at the beginning of the year and also over the winter break for those of you who did not complete these forms yet. It is imperative that you take the time to go online and fill out these form as soon as possible. If there is an emergency during the school day that involves your child, we will not be able to provide proper care or get ahold of you without the proper information being completed. In addition, your child may not be included in the 2017-2018 yearbook if you do not grant permission. If you have any questions or did not receive the letter in the mail, please call me and I will help you. We are asking that all accounts be updated as soon as possible.
Thank you and have a great second semester!
Mrs. Poelking
(440) 729-5958
Senior Internship Packets are available now! Make sure you get yours as your proposal is due to your faculty advisor by Friday, January 26th! Click here (or link above) to get your packet!!
The year is flying by and graduation will be here before you know it! This year our commencement ceremony will be held on Monday, June 4th, 2018 at 7:00 PM at the Keybank State Theater at Playhouse Square, Cleveland. Each student will receive 8 tickets to the ceremony. For more pertinent information, please visit the "Seniors" tab at the top of this newsletter or click here.
There will be a PTO meeting on Wednesday, February 7th in the middle school library. We are looking for executive board members for next school year.
Senior Internship Packets are available now! Make sure you get yours as your proposal is due to your faculty advisor by Friday, January 26th! Click here (or link above) to get your packet!!
There will be a PTO meeting on Wednesday, February 7th in the middle school library. We are looking for executive board members for next school year.
Pre-order your yearbook now to reserve and guarantee a copy for your student. Order now and save as the cost increases at the time of delivery!
Senior parents: Limited space is still available to purchase a grad ad for your senior.
All order forms are available under the yearbook tab at the top of this newsletter or click here.
News from West Geauga Educational Foundation (WGEF)
Funding New, Innovative Ways of Teaching and Learning for more than 30 Years
Thanks to everyone who came in for breakfast to support WGEF’s 30th annual Thanksgiving Pancake Breakfast at McDonald’s in Chesterland. We raised over $1,900 to help fund educational programs for students in the West Geauga school system.
Special thanks to Steve Goden and Caise Rode McHale, co-chairs for this year’s event, all our volunteers and students who took time on Thanksgiving morning to work the breakfast, and to John Powers, McDonald’s Chesterland owner/operator, and his staff for opening their store on a holiday and giving their time and support. A shout-out as well to our business sponsors who bought ads for the breakfast placemats. “Everyone involved should be proud that their efforts helped to raise funds that will go toward supporting innovative and enriching learning experiences for West Geauga students,” said Caise McHale, WGEF President.
News from West Geauga Educational Foundation (WGEF)
Funding New, Innovative Ways of Teaching and Learning for more than 30 Years
Another Successful Thanksgiving Breakfast at McDonald’s Fundraiser
Thanks to everyone who came in for breakfast to support WGEF’s 30th annual Thanksgiving Pancake Breakfast at McDonald’s in Chesterland. We raised over $1,900 to help fund educational programs for students in the West Geauga school system.
Special thanks to Steve Goden and Caise Rode McHale, co-chairs for this year’s event, all our volunteers and students who took time on Thanksgiving morning to work the breakfast, and to John Powers, McDonald’s Chesterland owner/operator, and his staff for opening their store on a holiday and giving their time and support. A shout-out as well to our business sponsors who bought ads for the breakfast placemats. “Everyone involved should be proud that their efforts helped to raise funds that will go toward supporting innovative and enriching learning experiences for West Geauga students,” said Caise McHale, WGEF President.
SAT, PSAT, ACT Practice Tests – Sponsored by WGEF
Did you know your child can practice taking college entry tests in test-like conditions run by Huntington Learning Center? Each practice test includes a follow-up session that will provide you with insight to the exam and additional preparation tips necessary for college entrance. The benefit: your child will learn about the exam format, become comfortable taking the tests and determine what areas he/she needs to work on.
For students in Northeast Ohio, including eastern Cuyahoga County suburbs like Mayfield, Beachwood, Chagrin Falls and Solon and Lake and Geauga Counties, WGEF hosts practice sessions for the SAT and ACT at West Geauga High School. Students from any school can attend.
Did you know your child can practice taking college entry tests in test-like conditions run by Huntington Learning Center? Each practice test includes a follow-up session that will provide you with insight to the exam and additional preparation tips necessary for college entrance. The benefit: your child will learn about the exam format, become comfortable taking the tests and determine what areas he/she needs to work on.
For students in Northeast Ohio, including eastern Cuyahoga County suburbs like Mayfield, Beachwood, Chagrin Falls and Solon and Lake and Geauga Counties, WGEF hosts practice sessions for the SAT and ACT at West Geauga High School. Students from any school can attend.
ACT Practice Test
Sat. January 13, 2018 8 am – 12 pm
West G High School, Room 124 |
Thu. January 25, 2018, 6 – 8 PM
West G High School Library
SAT Practice Test
Sat. April 7, 2018 8 am – 12 pm
West G High School, Room 124 |
Thu. April 19, 2018, 6 – 8 PM
West G High School Library
- Practice Tests are held Saturday mornings from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm – see the schedule above
- Tests are in rooms 124 at West Geauga High School, 13401 Chillicothe Road (Route 306), Chesterland, Ohio 44026-3598
- Follow-up sessions are on Thursday nights from 6:00pm in the Library
- The cost is $10 for West Geauga students and $15 for students from other schools
West Geauga students should register and pay in advance at the high school Guidance office. Payment will be accepted at the door. No one is admitted without payment.
Students from other districts can pay in advance or at the door. The cost is $10 for West Geauga students, $15 for students from other schools.
Checks should be made out to the West Geauga Educational Foundation. We do not accept credit cards.
What to bring
- #2 pencils
- Calculator
For more information
Please contact Theresa Kulp at 216-346-9028 with any questions.
Please contact Theresa Kulp at 216-346-9028 with any questions.
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