From the Principal
From the Assistant Principal
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WGHS School Counseling News December/January
During these challenging times please remember that we are here for your student. Feel free to contact us via email or phone. Our doors and virtual doors are always open.Due to the inability to get into classrooms and see students in person, we have created a Google Classroom for each class. This classroom contains important information for your student. All the students should have been given access to their Classroom. If they are not able to access please contact the Counselor’s Office. Below is a list of the Google Classrooms that were shared with students in each class:
Class of 2021 School Counseling
Class of 2022 School Counseling
Class of 2023 School Counseling
Class of 2024 School Counseling
Dates to Remember:
The PSAT was administered to the sophomore class and some freshmen and juniors. The results should be available sometime at the beginning of December.
Excel TECC Opportunity Week: December 7-10; Sophomores and parents are invited to attend virtually. Please go to the Excel TECC website for more information:
More information will be shared via the Class of 2023 School Counseling Google Classroom.
College Credit Plus (CCP) Information Night: January 20, 2021, at 7 pm. Students and parents need to attend this meeting if there is interest in the program. If this meeting needs to be virtual more information will be shared.
Students: We have an "open door" policy. If you need to speak to your counselor, just drop in. If we are unavailable, write your name on the sign-in sheet outside of the counselor’s door and we will find you as soon as possible!
Please remember that this is the time of year to work on college applications! Please remember to check your college deadlines and follow the application submission procedures. Check the Class of 2021 School Counseling Google Classroom for videos to help with the process! Remember: Please give your counselors and teachers at least two weeks to get supporting documents/letters completed. Know your deadlines! See your counselor if you have any questions.
Test Scores: Remember your ACT or SAT test scores must also meet the college deadline. Please make sure you have requested scores be sent directly from ACT or CollegeBoard to the institutions you are applying to. Please disregard if you plan on applying to schools using the “test-optional” policy offered by many universities.
Scholarships: Start looking in Naviance for scholarships. There is also a scholarship rack in the Counseling Office. Make a habit of visiting our office and check if anything new has come in and checking your Naviance account. Please give counselors two weeks' notice for deadlines on scholarships, too.
Financial Aid: The FAFSA is open for next year. A representative from the Lake/Geauga Educational Assistance Foundation (LEAF) is available to discuss financial aid options, scholarships, and the FAFSA form. Mrs. Tessa Dicker, our LEAF Financial Aid Advisor, works in our high school each Thursday throughout the school year. Students and parents may request an appointment with Mrs. Dicker by contacting her at There is also a sign-in sheet in the Counselor’s Office. All of the LEAF services are at no charge to our families.
Reminder - this is your last year to work on maintaining or bringing up your GPA. Remember that when colleges receive your transcript next fall, your cumulative grade point average is only based on your high school classes completed in the Middle School, 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade marks. If you are having difficulty in a class, your school counselor is always here to help. Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Also, start thinking about what you want to do after high school. A good resource, to begin with, is Naviance. See your counselor if you forgot your login. Start planning college visits (if possible) and registering online for the ACT and/or SAT.
The ACT will be administered to all juniors for free on February 23, 2021, at West Geauga High School.
When is the last time you logged on to your Naviance account? You have been given a task to complete the “Strengths Explorer”. Please find the time to complete this before winter break.
Mr. Hayes, Excel TECC's (Technical Education Career Consortium) counselor met with sophomores via Zoom in November. Opportunity Week is December 7-10. Students and parents will be able to learn about programs and meet with program teachers. Please visit the Excel TECC website for more information:
As soon as you get your PSAT results remember to connect your scores with Khan Academy where you will get a personalized plan to improve. Stop by our office for help if you need any assistance.
Well, you are about to finish your first semester at West Geauga High School! Are you making progress in your classes? If so, keep up the good work. If not, arrange for help before or after school with your teacher. In these uncertain times and with virtual learning think about emailing your teacher. See your counselor for help, too. Remember: Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness!
David Callahan Students with last names A-K 729-5963
Sarah Widman Students with last names L-Z 729-5965
Lisa Porter Assistant 729-5962
I hope this year's Winter Newsletter finds you all healthy! It certainly has been a different kind of year for all of us. I appreciate the great communication regarding your student's attendance over the past few months. Listed below are some general attendance reminders as well as a list of attendance items for those students who are virtual learners and students who are approved to be online learners for a limited period of time.Please keep in mind, if your in-person student is absent from school and chooses to Zoom into classes, provided the teacher has an online link, they may do so but they are still considered to be absent and they must be called in to be excused. Students are not permitted to go back and forth between online and in-person learning environments without the approval of Mr. Bishop or Mr. Krippel.
General Attendance Reminders for all learners
● If your child is going to be absent for an extended period of time due to vacation, you will need to have a Vacation Request form filled out and turned in to the attendance office with all appropriate signatures 5 days before the absences occur. These forms can be found in the attendance office or by clicking here.
● Notes for early dismissal should be turned in to the attendance office the day before your child needs to leave early whenever possible. Last-minute phone calls, other than true emergencies, cannot always be delivered immediately and create unnecessary disruption to valuable instruction time in the classroom.
● Tardy arrivals to school are considered unexcused even if a parent calls in for the student. If your student is driving to school this year, please remind them of this policy as we head into the winter season. Encourage them to plan ahead and prepare for snow on cars and unfavorable road conditions.
General Attendance procedures for all online learners
● If a virtual student will miss any or all classes during a particular day, a call needs to be made to the Attendance line at 440-729-5951 for the absence to be excused.
● For any student who is placed in the online learner status that is marked absent for two or more classes in a day, an email will go out to the parent/guardian. A return call from the parent or guardian is required for these types of absences to be excused.
● In cases of technical difficulty, (i.e. internet provider outages, inability to join Zoom sessions etc.) The student should email their teacher directly to report the issue. The teacher will then notify the attendance office.
Long-term absence procedures for online learners
● Parents will need to notify the attendance office by calling the absence line at 440-729-5951 if a student will be absent for any reason and is not able to join Zoom sessions. If the student is absent due to illness but their symptoms improve, they can join classes remotely and they will not be marked absent if they attend online.
Quarantined student attendance procedures for Parent/Guardians
● Students who are placed in a temporary quarantine and have been approved to attend classes virtually for the duration of the quarantine will need to Zoom in to classes using the zoom codes provided by their teachers at the beginning of the year. Many times these links can also be found on the teacher’s Google Classroom page.